Fairtrade Fortnight – #BeTheChange

Sep 10, 2024 | Coffee

Fairtrade Fortnight is two weeks in the year when The Fairtrade Foundation tries to bring more attention to the supporting of sustainable and ethical trade practices. This year, their campaign of #BeTheChange shows that you support Fairtrade practises by speaking up for fairer trade and by voting with your feet – buying Fairtrade products. By doing this, you are supporting the farmers who are behind some of the the most well-loved products like chocolate, bananas and of course – coffee.

At AMT Coffee we are proud to be serving Fairtrade coffee, and we’re proud to be standing behind this Fairtrade Fortnight ensuring fairer wages, better working conditions and economic stability of our favourite hot drink.


Why Fairtrade Matters

When you buy your morning coffee – or afternoon pick me up – from us, you’re directly supporting small-scale farmers. Ours are from two regions, the Mantiqueria region in Brazil and the Sidama coffee farmers in Ethiopia, but are equally supported. Fairtrade certification means that not only are they paid fairly, they have a safer place to work and can practise sustainable farming methods.


Our Commitment

Using Fairtrade coffee is now a integral part of AMT Coffee – it is poured into every cup we serve! By choosing Fairtrade, we are not only ensuring that every cup you buy taste great, but that it is also making a positive impact on workers and the environment. Our coffee taste delicious, of course, but it is made even more delicious when you know


Join the cause

There is lots of way you can #BeTheChange this Fairtrade Fortnight (and beyond). The first and most important is by writing to your MP. All the details and helpful information can be found on The Fairtrade Foundation’s website, plus lots more ways you can get involved.

Visit any AMT Coffee location, enjoy our Fairtrade coffee, and feel good knowing that with each sip, you’re contributing to a more just and sustainable world.